Friday, 23 January 2015

I actually did speed work!

I know I said I'd get better at updating but I'm a big fat liar-I've been distracted by flat hunting and furniture dreaming but that's besides the point!
Week 3 of #janathon and my mileage is up and I actually completed some speed work which is a miracle for me. 

Day 12- lazy day! I'm having more of these then I should! I know slapped wrists for me. 

Day 13-I went to the Asics Run club at the Marble Arch store. We did a speed session which killed my thighs but made me realise that I can run faster then I think I can, I can also push myself and run with the crowd when needed. 

Day 14- sore thighs (damn you running faster) so I took it easy. But I don't consider commutting round london easy-every staircase & escalator killed my thighs. 

Day 15- I attempted some stretching and foam rolling but even I can admit it was a lame effort. 

Day 16- 2.6 miles run before heading off for a weekend away. I didn't feel too strong but I ran and I'm noticing more and more that I need to congratulate myself when I get out of the warm bed and run. 

Day 17-this was my long run for the week. I did 7 miles along the Portland coast. Aren't the views beautiful? It made me feel better running somewhere new & to look at the scenery around me. In hindsight I should have left my headphones behind and enjoyed nature but you live and learn!

Day 18- people may not count walking along Chisel Beach a workout but which steep hills to climb it gave my sore thighs a workout. 

And that was my week! How was everyone's workouts? More disciplined then me I hope!

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