Tuesday, 18 August 2015

I think I found my mojo...for the time being!

Hello, fortnightly updates were not working for me so I've decided to update you weekly on my training. As usual my blog post is later then intended, but one day soon I will improve my scheduling.

Well, I think I found my mojo-by that I mean I had 2 runs this week where I didn't feel like a failure and that was great for me! So here's how I got on this week...

Tuesday-upper body kettlebell workout. As I enjoy my kettlebells so much I've decided to be more structured and split my workout into upper & lower body. This 30 minute session included plank pull ups, floor to shoulder pulls and a kettlebell hold. Sweaty but satisfying. 
Wednesday- I did my first ever 'runch' as in running in my lunch time. As I only have 30minutes I was worried for time but I came in early to give me longer and managed a good run round my local park. 
Thursday lower body kettlebell session-this included goblet squats, weighted lunges and wall sits. I felt this the next day  when going to the toilet. 
Saturday- I ran 9 miles! No tears, no complaints! I had an audiobook and my water pack, got it done and felt proud. My double marathon at the end of September is seeming more achievable after a successful long run, but we will wait and see

How is your training going? Are you training for an autum race or just working out?

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