Monday, 29 June 2015

Getting healthy

I've not made it any secret that I haven't been feeling myself recently. It's taken all my energy to just do my daily routine so exercise, blogging and generally having fun have taken a back seat. I'm sorry I've not blogged regularly and I'm kicking my butt to do it more often.

But before I move on and concentrate on positive healthy endeavours. I want to reflect on feeling crap in my little corner of the Internet. If I'm being honest I want to be able to look back at this when I'm feeling healthy to think how far I've come. I also think it would be untrue if I only blogged when I'm feeling fit and healthy. 

To put it simply I've had problems with my digestion system for the last 3 months. If that sounds like a simple problem then you've never had digestion problems. The knock on effect of having this problem is that my energy levels, mood and self esteem have all been low. My skin has broken out (all over my body) my sleep is disturbed and I've lost my appetite due to all food causing me pain. I've put weight on, been an emotional mess & cancelled so many social events I'm lucky I have friends left. 

I've been going to the doctors regularly over this period-explaining that I don't feel myself. That my bloating and my discomfort is at a higher rate then what I consider normal for me. I don't want to be down on the doctors they have tested me for more then my previous GPs and was very sympathetic to my tears. But after the multiple blood and other tests the conclusion is that I have a slight deficiency in calcium and vitamin d but not enough to do anything about it. Therefore I am left not knowing what has made my body change or how to make it better. 

I've decided to take control of feeling like crap and I've started making small steps to improve things that I can control like my sleep routine and my weight. I will update you all on what has worked and what hasn't as I step towards getting better the natural way. 

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