Tuesday, 29 July 2014

August goals!

So I'm going to try and make myself accountable to my fitness goals, so by publishing my goals on the internet that means I have to follow through right?!? I hope so...

Right confession time-I didn't stick to my half marathon training plan in July so 
1. Follow the training plan and kick my butt at increasing speed. Tempo runs are in the plan and I should gently be increasing my mileage, my favourite part of training for an event. 

2. Join a new gym and return to weights. I've started a new job and as much as I love my current gym (and I really do) it's no longer on my commute. So I want a gym the same price and that doesn't have a male dominated weight area. 

3. Try new recipes. Last month I loved having a rice crust quiche for lunch and trying actual recipes rather then just 'throwing things together.' I also brought myself ice lolly mould MONTHS ago which I have yet to use so I lollys must feature in my diet this month. 

What are your fitness goals? Do you find it harder or easier to work out in the summer months?

Sunday, 13 July 2014


Welcome to my site! I've started this blog because I'm a little obsessed with all things fitness, health and running. But before you turn away- please don't let me put you off! I don't have killer abs or the body of a fitness model but I hope this blog will let me try all the health & fitness crazes, but in a way that is possible in a normal lifestyle. 

So if your like me love running & working out but love the occasional piece of cake and drink on the weekend let's follow this path together.